About S.K.I.
For over 30 years Michael Schlegel and Friedhelm Kremer were behind the acronym S.K.I. First, as managing partners, today as owners. What began as a business idea of two engineers has now grown into a successful medium-sized German company and renowned flow technology specialist with its own production and development facilities. Since 2023 the organization is managed by Daniel Schlegel representing the second generation.
At the headquarters in Mönchengladbach, Germany, the activities of the S.K.I. team cover the broad field of differential pressure based flow measurement technology including services around this field. The company serves clients of various industries - from the power industry, to EPC's and traditional industries. Including more than a few customers from the very beginning as well as many new customers throughout the world.
The constant need to improve technology step by step or by new means has been anchored in the character of the company from the very beginning. Our new AccuFlo® HMP whose R&D phase was sponsored by the federal institute for economic affairs and energy includes innovative and exciting technology to advance to higher levels of accuracy at minimized required straight pipe runs.
The AccuFlo® Zero (patent pending) turns new and existing differential pressure based flow meters almost maintenance free while increasing accuracy and dynamic range. Historically our company has always been closely linked to technical solutions which improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions. As producer of climate-friendly technology we are member of the German Energy Solutions initiative (sponsored by BMWi). We work closely with many of our international partners in the field of continuous emission monitoring systems to use European certified technology in the entire world to measure emissions accurately and traceable.